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Art is an amazing way to express yourself or tell a story.

Art helps us heal, helps us to relax, and helps us to see the world around us in a different way.

The artists of these paintings have left us long ago, but their creations continue to communicate to us.

Sometimes, on rainy days, I will spend time on the computer trying to track down information about the artists who put so much effort into these paintings.  I am curious about their story.


Hamlet Act III, Scene 2 (c1887-1915)

What we know so far:

  • The painting is a little over 100 years old.

  • Visible signature "F.C.".

  • The painting is paying homage to an illustration by Adrien Marie (b1848-d1891) called "Hamlet a la Comedie-Francaise, le theatre" [Folger Collection, Washington DC].

  • Sidenote, in 1847 Alexandre Dumas (b1802-d1870) and Paul Meurice (b1820-d1905) translated Shakespeare's "Hamlet" into french.

  • The book "Shakespeariana Vol.IV" [Harvard College Library 1887], includes a review by  Carl Sadakichi Hartmann (b1867-d1944) wherein he verified the actors in the scene are the same as those noted by Adrien Marie and represented in this painting.  The starring role of Hamlet was played by Jean Mounet-Sully (b1841-d1916). 

And there the trail grows cold, until...

  • A 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle is made with THIS EXACT painting! ZigZag Puzzle Company (London c1910-1915) "Hamlet: Frighted with False Fire". Unfortunately the original artist is listed as "Unknown".

please email me with any information or interest at

Legend of Prague (c1940-1960)

I would like to think that Josef created this painting as a gift for his daughter, Libuše.

The  dreamlike imagery reminds me of the founding legend of Prague, whereas the mythical queen Libuše came out on a rocky cliff high above the Vltava and prophesied: "I see a great city whose glory will touch the stars".


What we know:

  • Josef Dostalik was a popular landscape artist from Moravia, the Czech Republic, born in 1909.  A painter and graphic artist, he studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and privately with Oldřich Blažíček.  He undertook frequent study trips, observing the natural landscapes unique to his homeland and capturing them in his colorful and optimistic artworks.  During one of these trips he fell in love and married Ludmila, and together they had a daughter he named Libuše.

  • ​My great-grandmother purchased this painting in Germany in the 1960s.

  • Visible signature "Cop. Dostalik".

  • The painting canvas measures 38 inches wide by 41 inches in length. (96.5 cm x 104 cm) 

  • With the heavy carved and gilded frame, measurements are 45.5 in x 49 in. (about 115 cm x 125 cm)

  • The painting is oil on a raw canvas with an open weave made from hemp threads.  The canvas is attached to a (pine?) stretcher with round head nails. The stretcher has writing on it in pencil: "P Dr. Masly", perhaps.

  • Note the tear in the canvas located on the horses mane.

please email me with any information or interest at



Other Work by Josef Dostalík

"Harvest in Velká - Hornácko", signed [] $26,000 Kc
description: "Oil on painting cardboard, 70 x 100 cm, signed by the author at the bottom right, framed under glass in a representative massive period artistic richly ornamentally decorated and carved frame with a gilded and patina surface. The artist's brilliant work created during his visit to Horňácko draws the viewer into an optimistic summer landscape with a panoramic large-format view of the beautiful landscape around the Horňácko village of Velké nad Veličkou with the background of the White Carpathians, separating this corner of the Czech Republic from Slovakia. The artist captured the period karst and fragmentation of the landscape with a true masterful commitment. The presented work is one of the best works of the author created in Horňácko. The painting comes from an excellent folk art collection with a strong focus on Horňácko."

NOTE similarities of frame with "Legend of Prague".

"Chisel in Hornácko", signed [] $6,500 Kc

description: The work was originally part of an extraordinary and high-quality art collection focusing on Horňácko.
Framed in the gallery's original magnificent massive frame decorated with carved ornaments with a patina of artistic bronze surface. 

NOTE similarities of frame with "Legend of Prague".

"Hornácká landscape from Velká nad Velickou", signed [] $4,300 Kc

"Cottages in the Hillside", signed [] $1,700 Kc

"Beskydy", signed [] $1,300 Kc

"Wooden Cottage", signed [] $1,200 Kc

"A tall tree in solitude", signed [] $1,100 Kc

"View of the winter landscape", signed [] $1,100 Kc

"Beskid Mountains", oil on canvas, 67.5x91 cm, signed [] auctioned

Untitled Landscape, oil on board, 35"x24", signed [] $425.00


The Great Fire

What we know:

  • Oil on canvas, unframed, approximately 23.5x15.5 inches; relined canvas, craquelure.

  • Signature: "Jos. Heil"

  • Flemish school of the 17th century style, very similar to Daniel van Heil (1604-1664) or his son, Theodor van Heil (1635-1691).    Both artists specialized in anachronistic fire landscapes. Daniel also collaborated with his brothers on a number of works, he would paint the architecture, and his brother Jan would paint the staffage.

  • This painting may refer to "The Great Fire" of Delft on May 3, 1536, caused by a bolt of lighting that struck the tower of Nieuwe Kerk. Fanned by a strong east wind, the fire ravaged virtually everything west of the Nieuwe Kerk. []



These works of art were purchased by my great-grandmother during her stay in Germany in the 1960's. 

It should be noted here, that during World War II (1939-1945), it has been 'estimated that over 516,000 works of art from Poland were stolen or damaged during the war, due to looting by the Nazis and Soviet Red Army “trophy brigades”', as well as other exploiters.


I have done my best to determine if any of these paintings were stolen so I can return them to their homes,

and welcome you all to help me learn more about these great works of art.

Thank you.

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